March 29, 2025

Fire Smart

FiresmartBC is the integration of the seven FireSmart ® disciplines across the province of British Columbia based on the FireSmart Canada model. The BCFSC members consist of the BC Wildfire Service (BCWS), Office of the Fire Commissioner (OFC), Union of BC Municipalities (UBCM), Fire Chiefs’ Association of BC (FCABC), Emergency Management BC (EMBC), Forest Enhancement Society of BC (FESBC) and First Nations’ Emergency Services Society of BC (FNESS).

Emergency Mangement Cowichan (EMC) now offers free wildfire risk assessments, as well as a rebate for up to 50% for mitigation work and expenses up to $1000.

Meet Ember!

Ember, the FireSmart Fox is now officially a member of the FireSmart team and is working hard to educate BC residents young and old about how to keep their homes and neighbourhoods prepared for wildfire.

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