March 31, 2025
Fire Protection District

Fire Protection District & Board of Trustees

In the unique structure of Mill Bay and Cobble Hill, where municipal governance is distinct, the Mill Bay Fire Department operates under the oversight of the Mill Bay Fire Protection District Board of Trustees. These trustees are nominated and elected by taxpayers during our Annual General Meeting.

While the Fire Chief, Deputy Chief, and Officers manage the day-to-day operations and administration of the Fire Department, the Board of Trustees convenes monthly to discuss broader aspects of the fire department’s landscape. This includes pivotal matters such as approving the annual budget, authorizing significant long-term purchases (including new fire trucks), addressing legal considerations such as departmental boundaries, and reviewing the Chief’s reports.

The Board comprises seven members, including a Chairperson, Co-chair, and five trustees. A paid administrator/treasurer supports the board in its duties. Each member is nominated and elected to serve a three-year term, with the option for unlimited consecutive terms.

For general inquiries about the Mill Bay Fire Department, please contact the Fire Chief or the appropriate officer listed on the contacts page. For matters such as legal inquiries, please reach out to the Board Chairperson.

Board meetings are scheduled every fourth Tuesday of the month at 7:00 pm. While these meetings are open to the public, we kindly request that you contact the Chairperson in advance to have your attendance added to the agenda. Your engagement is valued, and we appreciate your proactive involvement in our community’s fire safety initiatives.

Mill Bay Fire Protection District Board of Trustees

Fire Protection District Board General Email Inquiries:

ChairpersonDavid Lestock-Kay
Co-ChairpersonDavid Slade
Treasurer/AdministratorDebbie Murphy
John Anderson
Andy Limb
Guy Kendall
Mark Taylor
Jeremy Webb
General Email Inquiries:

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